All orders are shipped within 2-3 business days. We ship Monday-Friday and currently offer free Priority shipping with any order over $49. Priority typically takes 2-5 business days from the ship date to arrive. Our policy is to never overcharge for shipping (we don't like it when it happens to us) we do our best to charge accurate shipping on your order. Shipping prices are calculated based on weight via USPS.
Please keep track of your order. We will not be responsible for products damaged by being exposed to the elements like in a mailbox for long periods of time.
Being an Eco-Friendly company is important to us! All products are shipping in Eco-Friendly boxes, using biodegradable bags and packing peanuts. Please reuse your packaging if possible.
It is very important to us that you are happy with your purchase. We offer a 30-day refund or exchange on any order. If you are not satisfied with your order please email us at Please read the instructions on product bottles. Our products do not contain preservatives and many require refrigeration. We will not refund where product instructions were not followed i.e. a syrup requiring refrigeration was left out or your items were not properly refrigerated when they arrived.